Some of you may recall this story from your childhood.
I actually only read the story for the first time a couple months ago.
Do you ever have those moments where God reveals something to you
and it really sinks in and you just get emotional and you don't even understand why?
I had one of those moments when I read this story.
For those of you who haven't read it, you can read it here
When I read this story for the first time I found myself in tears and I couldn't figure out why the story made me feel so sad. The tree loved the boy so much he gave ALL that he had to the boy. The boy did nothing to deserve that kind of love, the tree freely gave it, even though it was a sacrifice.
God did the same thing for us.
And God gives his love freely, we do nothing to deserve it.
And God gives his love freely, we do nothing to deserve it.
His love is freely given to us.
I find myself relating so much to the little boy in the story. When we first come to know Jesus it is such an exciting and wonderful experience. All we want to do is spend time with him. He provides for us and we eat his fruit and it helps us grow and when we are weary and tired Jesus provides rest in the shade of his presence. And it makes us happy…
But sometimes as time goes by and we grow older and busier.. we often forget to spend as much time with God. The new found glory of the relationship has some how lost its appeal.
But then..
circumstances in our lives come along and we once again long for that provision.
We need help. So we turn back to God.
And he's right there waiting, exactly where He has been the whole time.
God beckons for us to come back to him, sit in his shade, spend time with him, and be happy.
But instead we respond that we are now to "spiritually old" for those things.
We want success, we want a thriving career and to be financially blessed.
And God says to us.
I'm sorry, I can't give you those things, I have only leaves and apples.
I have only my wisdom and the fruit that it brings.
Take these instead. Then you will have the desires of your heart and be happy.
And so we take it and we find that it was exactly what we needed.
...more circumstances come along and again we need God's help...
So we return. And He is waiting... He waits so long sometimes..
And God beckons for us to come sit in his shade, spend time with him, and be happy.
And we reply.
I am too busy for that and too "spiritually old" to sit at your feet.
I need a bigger home because I want a family and nice things.
So God says, I have no worldly house, the forest is my home.
But here cut down my branches and build a house.
Allow ME to be your foundation.
And then you will be happy.
So we take his advice.
And we realized it was exactly what we needed all along.
And then life goes on...
and we grow older..
and things get busier..
and years pass by so fast...
And sometimes we become comfortable.
And we feel we no longer need God.
And one day we wake up and we realize that something is missing.
A part of our heart feels lost and something inside of us longs to find it.
We turn back to God.
And just like a true loving father He is so over joyed to hear from us.
And he says come child rest in my shade, spend time with me, and be happy.
And we say, I'm too sad and depressed to spend time with you, God.
I feel something is missing in my heart but I don't know what.
I must find it.
Give me a boat so I can sail away from my problems.
And so, God, replies.
I'd much rather you stay here with me.
But I love you regardless.
Cut down my trunk and make a boat.
And you can have as you please, and sail away.
God demonstrates his own love for us, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
But the story has a beautiful ending.
And I hope that your story does too.
For the boy returns to the tree.
And the tree says to him
I've given you my leaves and my apples, i've given you my branches and I gave you my trunk.
But then..
circumstances in our lives come along and we once again long for that provision.
We need help. So we turn back to God.
And he's right there waiting, exactly where He has been the whole time.
God beckons for us to come back to him, sit in his shade, spend time with him, and be happy.
But instead we respond that we are now to "spiritually old" for those things.
We want success, we want a thriving career and to be financially blessed.
And God says to us.
I'm sorry, I can't give you those things, I have only leaves and apples.
I have only my wisdom and the fruit that it brings.
Take these instead. Then you will have the desires of your heart and be happy.
And so we take it and we find that it was exactly what we needed.
...more circumstances come along and again we need God's help...
So we return. And He is waiting... He waits so long sometimes..
And God beckons for us to come sit in his shade, spend time with him, and be happy.
And we reply.
I am too busy for that and too "spiritually old" to sit at your feet.
I need a bigger home because I want a family and nice things.
So God says, I have no worldly house, the forest is my home.
But here cut down my branches and build a house.
Allow ME to be your foundation.
And then you will be happy.
So we take his advice.
And we realized it was exactly what we needed all along.
And then life goes on...
and we grow older..
and things get busier..
and years pass by so fast...
And sometimes we become comfortable.
And we feel we no longer need God.
And one day we wake up and we realize that something is missing.
A part of our heart feels lost and something inside of us longs to find it.
We turn back to God.
And just like a true loving father He is so over joyed to hear from us.
And he says come child rest in my shade, spend time with me, and be happy.
And we say, I'm too sad and depressed to spend time with you, God.
I feel something is missing in my heart but I don't know what.
I must find it.
Give me a boat so I can sail away from my problems.
And so, God, replies.
I'd much rather you stay here with me.
But I love you regardless.
Cut down my trunk and make a boat.
And you can have as you please, and sail away.
God demonstrates his own love for us, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
But the story has a beautiful ending.
And I hope that your story does too.
For the boy returns to the tree.
And the tree says to him
I've given you my leaves and my apples, i've given you my branches and I gave you my trunk.
I have nothing left to give.
I gave you my all.
And God says to us come sit with me and let me give you rest.
God wants nothing more but for us to learn to receive his love.
We can not earn it, for it is freely given.
He longs to give us the desires of our heart and has all that we need.
we shouldn't seek to store up treasures here on earth, but rather in heaven with him.
we shouldn't seek to store up treasures here on earth, but rather in heaven with him.
When we learn to sit and rest in Him.
We stay by His side and only there will we truly,
Be Happy.
"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:3-4
Matthew 18:3-4
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