Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rummage Sale Booth at Jay County High School This Week!! For Uganda Trip.


March 9th - 11th our Uganda, Africa team will be holding a rummage sale at Jay County High School to raise money for our trip.
Our booth will be open during the following times:
Friday      5 pm - 9 pm
Saturday  8 am - 4 pm
Sunday    12 pm - 3 pm

Please stop out to support, if you have some extra time :) We will have a ton of clothes and other things that we will be selling!

You will defiantly be able to find some African souvenirs! Including African hand made jewelry  


  1. Shared on my facebook page! We need to touch base with one another sometime! I would be happy to donate some of my plant sales toward your trip. I am also going to Guatemala with the RSM and plan on raising money from my farmer's market sales to go toward that trip. God can do great things though hearts that are His. Praying for you.

  2. *God can do great things through hearts that are His! I sometimes type too fast ;)

  3. Thank you Robin!! And that would be lovely if you'd like to help donate, my brother, Landry, is going on the Guatemala trip and I am really excited for him. Thank you so much for your support!! We can get in touch through facebook or email about raising money, or feel free to talk with me at church on sunday. :) and thank you for your prayers.
